
Natural Healing & Rejuvenation
As a natural rejuvenation and holistic coach living in New York I'm constantly being asked about tools and recipes for being happier and healthier in our fast speeding world. It took me quite a journey, several years and a lot of learning to help myself and start living the life I enjoy every day. Living MLife. Where wellness, harmony and beauty are essential parts of this life. Join me in this journey!


What wellness means to you? Good health and energy level, working immune system, well circulation and digestion, ability your body to detoxify naturally, no headaches, migraines or muscle pain, healthy skin and hair, ability to control calories and weigh… The list is not complete. Will you be surprised if I tell you that everything starts with WATTER? Even just couple of hours of dehydration can affect your memory, attention and other cognitive skills. Proper hydration of our bodies with healthy water can improve our well-being and change our life tremendously. But will any water do the “job”?..

Universal Energy is available for everyone and everything in our world. This pure energy of unconditional love, happiness, great health, joy and prosperity exists for us, within us and around us. Sometimes our mind and body needs help to open up to the Universal Energy so we can take responsibility and change our life in a better way. Sometimes you just need someone’s help in this journey. I’m so happy to be a Holistic coach. ThetaHealing®, Access Bars® and Usui Reiki. Those healing techniques help millions of people around the world to release the tension and unwind their blocks to be able to use the Universal Energy in order to change some life situations and solve different kinds of problems. You can take a deeper look into those methods and choose the right one for yourself.


World of beauty industry can offer you any kind of treatments and solutions based on your time availability and wallet balance. Often natural rejuvenation methods have become forgotten and underestimated by the beauty professionals. Why? – Because they are simple, not expensive and could be done by yourself! Taking care of myself and those who want to learn how to rejuvenate naturally brings me happiness and joy, especially when I see the results right away or get positive feedback from my students. I love presenting opportunities for people to open up their natural beauty so they can look younger and become more healthy by doing simple beauty routine in their everyday life.