
Natural rejuvenation in your hands

Face Fitness &
Face Self-Massage

Sounds great! Isn’t it? But the idea is to know the massage techniques!

Recently, I very often hear that many have a desire to start doing something with their face, body, nutrition, sleep, health in general, but after making firsts steps like buying beauty gadgets, making bookmarks on Instagram, subscribing to the health blogs the result doesn’t come up. 

Why? Is there no motivation? – Well, to some extent, maybe so.  But, it seems to me, the main reason is that tapes, massage techniques and face fitness exercises still seem to take to much time and look difficult to learn by yourself. But when you meet coaches in your field and take a couple of sessions from professionals, not only the level of difficulty changes, but also the motivation!

With a personal trainer on natural methods of rejuvenation, you quickly master all the basic techniques that suit your face type, do not waste time on “unnecessary” applications and exercises, you get an integrated approach, immediately correct “mistakes”, work out at a convenient time, you get answers to your questions immediately!

In a world as fast as ours, a beauty coach isn’t t a luxury. It is a necessity to save time and get the result. 

Aesthetic Face &
Body Kinesio Taping

But in real life it’s not just about sleep, but about its quality. Our sleep should be regular, healthy, proper, and sound in order to get our natural rejuvenation processes started. And since magic is not an option yet, we can and should use science!
Face Kineso Taping turns us into Sleeping Beauties every night. Bright cotton tapes stimulate and relax our face muscles, drain our lymph and “erase” our wrinkles while we sleep.

If you haven’t heard of Kinesio Taping yet then I’m coming to you!  Bright cotton tapes with the qualities of healthy skin, “work” on our wrinkles, lymphatic system and muscles of the face and body while we sleep or do our thing during the day.⁣⁣

Kinesiology tapes are simply a “must have” in your beauty routine if:⁣⁣ 

1. You do not have time for lengthy self-care procedures⁣⁣

2. You prefer natural methods of rejuvenation and want to try to solve problems with your own hands

3. ⁣⁣Want to get rid of wrinkles and lines on your face⁣⁣

4. Do not want to “prick” and “go under the knife” for the sake of fashionable cosmetic trends⁣⁣

5. Need quick ways to restore freshness and beauty to your face before important events⁣⁣

6. Have frequent swelling of face or body⁣⁣

7. Want to improve your body condition – lose those extra inches and work on the cellulite⁣⁣

8. Don’t have the opportunity to visit massage and beauty salons frequently.⁣⁣

What is the process of Kinesio Taping?

I personally conduct the assessment based on your answers, complexion types and requests. This data define the layout of taping. I provide personal applications of tapes and online guided self-applications. I am regularly checking up on you and getting your feedback. I can also adjust the layout during our next session if necessary.The effect can be increased by Face Fitness or Face Self-Massage.Also, I offer health and beauty Reiki meditation sessions available upon request.
This is my unique approach to Kinesio Taping.

ElenaJune 2020
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"Thank you for a wonderful and energizing session!!! The face massage and lymphatic drainage technique is so soothing and effective, I still can't believe the immediate and lasting difference in my complexion! The best part about it is that it's so easy and relaxing that it doesn't feel like work at all, more like a meditation for the face muscles. Can't wait for my personalized program and our next session together!"
KseniaNovember 2020
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"У меня вообще все отлично! Тейпы сняла без проблем и на лице совсем никаких следов, кроме ровной, красивой кожи... Муж посмотрел на мое лицо сегодня и сказал, что это - фантастика! А еще я вчера сняла тейпы, которые держали носогубку, и обалдела - у меня так разгладилась складка! И знаешь, сегодня тот же эффект - это так здорово!"
MarinaMay 2021
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"После установки двух коронок в апреле на зубы у меня через неделю начал болеть челюстной сустав. Раньше этого не было никогда. Боль увеличивалась с каждой неделей. Дошло то того, что я не могла утром открыть рот без боли, а ещё было больно жевать любую твёрдую пищу. Я не могла пойти к врачу, тк была в долгой поездке. Там я рассказала Маше о проблеме с суставом и она предложила тейпирование. Примерно 7 раз мы клеили тейпы на ночь на сустав. Боль заметно отступила. А через две недели болевые ощущения снизились настолько, что я стала забывать о проблеме. Маша, спасибо за скорую помощь и саму идею!"