Tips & Secrets

Welcome to MBeauty world of natural rejuvenation. Find out face fitness exercises,
self-massage techniques and many more beauty secrets!

Where to begin?

I am often asked where to start face fitness.  And no matter how wise and correct it would be to answer that we have to start with posture, nutrition and water drinking regime, but frequently, seeing the girl's unwillingness to change something immediately, my answer is - From the Head!

Face fitness and kinesiology taping are like sports. A habit of exercising must be formed in order to have a super-result. Also, it is better to start slowly, without rushing. And you always want to start with something pleasant!  Therefore, one of my favorite first exercises is the head aponeurosis massage.

Aponeurosis is not a terrible scientific word. It is

fascia that we have under the scalp

a wide connective tissue plate, consisting of dense collagen and elastic fibers, by which muscles are attached to bones or other tissues of the body.

Try grab your hair closer to the roots and move the skin under the hair. Ideally it should be flexible and easy to crumple. But stagnation of lymph, edema, "layers" between the skull and skin do not contribute to a healthy and youthful face look.

Therefore, by doing this simple exercise every morning and throughout the day we

warm up the aponeurosis with soft combing movements from the sides to the crown. From behind we "comb" the head from top to bottom. 1 minute

we take ourselves by the strands of hair as close to the roots as possible and slowly move the skin in different directions. We pass in strands all over the head.  1-2 minutes

In addition to the fact that the massage of the aponeurosis is very useful and creates a lifting effect for your face, it is also incredibly pleasant.

Spread your chest

Right now. Right this second. Pull your shoulders back, raise your head (and your hand along with the phone while you read;-), stretch up the top of your head.

Roll back and lower your shoulders.
To make it easier to do, imagine that your hands are filled with hot energy and pull your shoulders with their weight from the very joints.

Imagine that your head is suspended by a gold thread from the ceiling or the sky. The thread is attached to the highest point of the head - the one above your 7th chakra.

Now, gently smooth out the chest area with both hands. One hand goes up from the center of the sternum, and the other goes down. Movements should be soft. Follow your feelings. Repeat the movement 5-10 times.

Feel relaxed, breathe deeply, fill with air.

Try grab your hair closer to the roots and move the skin under the hair. Ideally it should be flexible and easy to crumple. But stagnation of lymph, edema, "layers" between the skull and skin do not contribute to a healthy and youthful face look.

Therefore, by doing this simple exercise every morning and throughout the day we

warm up the aponeurosis with soft combing movements from the sides to the crown. From behind we "comb" the head from top to bottom. 1 minute

we take ourselves by the strands of hair as close to the roots as possible and slowly move the skin in different directions. We pass in strands all over the head.  1-2 minutes

In addition to the fact that the massage of the aponeurosis is very useful and creates a lifting effect for your face, it is also incredibly pleasant.

To chew or not to chew or what is temporomandibular joint?

Nasolabial folds, flews, "leaked" oval of the face, headaches in the temples, occiput and ears, teeth grinding, dizziness, malocclusion (as a consequence, and as a cause), pain from wearing braces or after installing implants, motion sickness in transport, bad posture, pain in the neck and back. This is not a complete list of TMJ disorder symptoms.

Temporomandibular joint or the TMJ is a combined joint that is connected through fascial chain to all diaphragms of the body, is controlled by the trigeminal nerve and directly connected to the temporal bone and facial muscles.

Until the "diagnosis" is made, we have every chance not to bring ourselves to the above conditions with easy and simple actions:

Regular self-massage and relaxation of the chewing muscles.For example: we open our mouth, find the place of attachment of the masticatory muscles and slowly massage in circular movements for a minute.  After that, slowly stroking the chewing muscle with our palms in the direction of the muscle fibers from top to bottom and from the jaw joint to the corner of the jaw. We do 5-7 repetitions.

Kinesio Taping of the chewing muscles and TMJ.

Time to “shave”

The missing "corner of youth" and a double chin are one of the first problems on the list of those who are dissatisfied with their face.

Incorrect posture, overweight, bite conditions, genetics, aging, jaw angle position. These are all the reasons for the frustration. And if the position of the jaw angle and genetics are quite serious causes, then it is possible and necessary to work with all other roots on a daily basis. 

The "Shave" technique is one of the most working and enjoyable if you introduce it into your daily routine.

Starting position: with the bent index and thumb of the left hand, fix the skin on the right side of the chin.

Performance: with the bent index finger of the right hand, make short "shaving" movements along the contour of the face and the lower part of the cheek, imitating the shaving process. Open your mouth slightly to tighten the skin. Move slowly an inch along the bone to your ear. Rearrange the fingers of the left hand, following the right hand, fixing the skin from below.  Do 3-5 sets on each side.

And if we add chin taping to this daily routine then the result will be just incredible!

Cinderella's shoes

Imagine getting dressed in the morning for work or for a walk. Dress, skirt or trousers, jewelry, handbag, shoes. You work or walk, run all day in the heels, and by the evening your shoes are so tight that it is so good that the "prince" is nowhere near because one would never believe that you are the same “Cinderella” from the morning!

Do you love heels? Do you flight frequently? Are you pregnant? Got some weight? Maybe hot weather bothering you?.. What unites all these questions and my story? Yes, yes and yes. It is swelling of the legs!

What is edema? This is the accumulated excess fluid in extracellular tissues or organs. Causes of edema are conditions that make it difficult to remove fluid from the body. It can be various pathologies, so it is imperative to consult a doctor and take care of your health.

But the reasons also might be:

Shoes (high heel, uncomfortable, narrow)

Lifestyle (excess fluid intake; prolonged sitting on low chairs/sofas; uncontrolled sports; sitting cross-legged)

Minor Injuries / Bruises

In many cases, kinesio tapes come to the rescue! The application can be worn for up to 4 days. Go to work, fly on airplanes, play sports, live your life!

(Caution. As with everything, there are contraindications that can be obtained from a specialist.)

Lymphatic Drainage Foot Taping will not make your heart big (kindness and gratitude will), but it will help turn your swollen "evil sister" legs into "cute Cinderella" legs and make them light and rested.

Chest opening exercise

What is the first thing to start with on face rejuvenation? The secret has long been discovered. It is posture. Chest opening exercises are a must-have in your daily routine. At least one.

For example, sagging in a doorway.

What are we doing? We stand in the doorway. Palms on chest levels (important!). Feet shoulder width apart.

Hold onto the doorway and lean forward 15-25 degrees. Depending on the width of the door, the elbows may be bent or extended.

Hold for 1 minute. Do not puff out chest and ribs.

Allow your body due to its weight to:

relax the ligaments

open the compressed chest area and relax it

work on more than 50 small joints.

What do we do after? Yes. KinesioTaping! Relax, tone up and do the lymphatic drainage application. Will taping help without exercise? Sure! The chest area will open up and the condition of the neckline will improve. But together with massage and exercise, the result will be simply amazing!

Red, yellow, blue - it’s up to you!

There are kinesio tapes on this photo. They stimulate and relax our muscles, improve the lymph flow, and as a result relieve swelling. They erase wrinkles while we are sleeping, remove inches from the waists and hips and even relieve pain.

Kinesio tapes come in different colors. Does it matter? You can choose a color based on your mood, season and even Feng Shui. Different colors will support you and your energy flow while you wear them.

Based on psychological studies:

Blue - calls for patience and tolerance and helps to increase intellectual abilities.

Yellow - clears negative emotions and activates mental activity.

Green - pacifies, calms, relaxes, helps to achieve inner harmony. Inspires optimism.

Red - excites, invigorates, tones the nervous system, warms up.

Orange - gives strength and energy.

Pink - relaxes, tunes in a romantic way.

Lilac - allows you to penetrate the subconscious, to understand yourself.  Provokes sensuality.

Black - helps to concentrate. Improves thought processes.

Choose any colors but don’t forget that the main thing is the quality of tapes!

Take it off right away!

I peeled bright red kinesio tape off my belly and it felt like I was peeling my skin off. The neighbors jumped from my screams as I was experiencing inquisition-like torture. Somehow my skin stayed put but there were red rash lines where the tapes used to be. They looked like tiger scratches.

That was my debut in using sports kinesio body tapes, which was unlike my successful use of gentle hypoallergenic tapes for the face.

We all have different skin sensitivity levels. Some wouldn’t mind duct tape, while others will get a rash from the touch of butterfly wings. This is super important for Kinesio Taping.

An allergy test is mandatory when you start using kinesio tapes. Everyone knows it. But not all practitioners emphasize the impotence of the tape removal process. It must be peeled off slowly, in the direction of hair growth, preferably in the shower. It is important to thoroughly wipe off the glue residue and apply a soothing cream or oil afterwards. Remember that a skin rash might be activated by the sun, sauna or alcohol.

Experiences like mine can ruin taping once and for all! Therefore, it is important to have someone who will tell you all the secrets of using kinesio tapes.

Follow me on Instagram for more exercises and useful tips or book a private session with me!

ElenaJune 2020
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"Thank you for a wonderful and energizing session!!! The face massage and lymphatic drainage technique is so soothing and effective, I still can't believe the immediate and lasting difference in my complexion! The best part about it is that it's so easy and relaxing that it doesn't feel like work at all, more like a meditation for the face muscles. Can't wait for my personalized program and our next session together!"
KseniaNovember 2020
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"У меня вообще все отлично! Тейпы сняла без проблем и на лице совсем никаких следов, кроме ровной, красивой кожи... Муж посмотрел на мое лицо сегодня и сказал, что это - фантастика! А еще я вчера сняла тейпы, которые держали носогубку, и обалдела - у меня так разгладилась складка! И знаешь, сегодня тот же эффект - это так здорово!"
MarinaMay 2021
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"После установки двух коронок в апреле на зубы у меня через неделю начал болеть челюстной сустав. Раньше этого не было никогда. Боль увеличивалась с каждой неделей. Дошло то того, что я не могла утром открыть рот без боли, а ещё было больно жевать любую твёрдую пищу. Я не могла пойти к врачу, тк была в долгой поездке. Там я рассказала Маше о проблеме с суставом и она предложила тейпирование. Примерно 7 раз мы клеили тейпы на ночь на сустав. Боль заметно отступила. А через две недели болевые ощущения снизились настолько, что я стала забывать о проблеме. Маша, спасибо за скорую помощь и саму идею!"

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